Casa Bonita store FAQ

By July 23, 2021 October 21st, 2021 No Comments

Here you can find basic information about our store.

What is your return policy?

At this moment, we are not accepting returns. However, if you are not satisfied with your order, please contact us with your feedback, and we will analyze if there is something we can do to assist you.

What is your refund policy?

At this moment, we are not offering refunds. However, if you are not satisfied with your order, please contact us with your feedback, and we will analyze if there is something we can do to assist you.

What are the fees for shipping?

Currently, we have a $20 flat fee for all orders.

What shipping companies do you currently use?

We currently work with FedEx and Campar.

Do you provide a tracking code?

Depending on the carrier, we might be able to send you a tracking code, but at this moment, we can guarantee this.

Do you ship internationally?

At this time, we are only able to ship within Canada.

What payment methods are available?

We process all orders via Paypal. If you have a Paypal account you can follow the steps to log in and use your account, otherwise, you can pay as a guest using all major credit cards.

What are the basics steps to order in the online store?

  1. Find the product that you want.
  2. Add the product to the cart. – There is currently no direct checkout. All products need to be added to the cart before checking out.
  3. Repeat the process until all desired products are in the cart.
  4. When ready to check out, click on “view cart” (link is visible on top of product page every time a product is added to the cart)
  5. Once in the “cart,” follow the instructions to check out. – Enter your shipping address.
  6. Click on the Paypal logo and complete the process. – All transactions are 100% secure via Paypal.

Privacy Policy

Casa Bonita does not collect or keep any personal information for marketing purposes. All information collected during a transaction will only be used to fulfill the orders received via the online store.

No personal information will be shared internally or with third-party sources.

Other than confirmation emails for transactions, you will never receive an unsolicited email from Casa Bonita.

Casa Bonita is committed to protecting the privacy of all its customers buying directly from our website.