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Casa Bonita Foods 2022 Recap

By December 29, 2022 No Comments

As we head until the end of the year here at Casa Bonita Foods, we want to thank everyone who has supported us this year and wish everyone a happy new year and prosper 2023!

Looking back at 2022, we are very thankful and proud that more and more Canadians can now enjoy our products.

During this year, we grew our presence, and now our products are available in more stores across the country. Not only our core brand Casa Bonita Foods, with our staple products like tortillas, corn tortilla chips, and salsas but through our collaborations with key partners. These collaborations include the distribution of iconic Mexican brands like Tajin, with new products like Tajin Hot Sauce and our Tajin Chips.

Regarding new Casa Bonita Foods products, we launched our new Chile Ancho Chips, which will be available in more locations in 2023. Also, we expanded our reach with new and ongoing partnerships in the private label sector.

We were also very fortunate to participate in and promote our brand and our partner’s brands at different events across Canada. For example, we participated in the Canadian Health Food Association Convention in Toronto and Vancouver, plus the Grocery Innovations Canada Conference & Exhibition in Toronto. Check the photo on the top and the one below:


During 2022 we also decided to create content to help our customers learn more about the origin of our products and how to enjoy them at home. For example, we enhanced our guide on how to heat tortillas and included an easy-to-follow video. We also created content on our blog to show how tortillas are a healthy alternative to bread or answer questions like what’s the difference between tortillas and hard taco shells?  

Most importantly, we created a 101 guide on everything you need to know about tortillas, including the differences between corn and flour tortillas.

We also created guides and information about corn chips and our delicious range of traditional Mexican salsas. Furthermore, we expanded on previous posts to ensure people can learn more about a brand like Tajin.

Besides all this, we also had time to create fun content on our blog and social media channels. For example, we continue expanding our content to help you find some of the best Mexican recipes to make at home or the guide to help you pick the best salsa for your taco night. We even included a post with some of our favourite vegetarian Mexican recipes.

We also had some fun contests and giveaways like the Father’s Day giveaway and the Canada Day contest:

Stay tuned and check our social media channels and blog for more exciting contests and giveaways next year.

We look forward to bringing some of the best Mexican food products to the Canadian market and keep innovating and collaborating with great Canadian and Mexican partners in 2023!